Have you been told that you have a slipped disc or a disc injury in Boynton Beach? They can vary from slight to severe, but most require the attention of a trained chiropractor. Our Boynton Beach chiropractic clinic can help you understand your condition and help you develop the best treatment option for you.
The little pads that lie between your vertebrae are called the intervertebral discs; each of which has a tough outer ring and a soft gel-like center. Your discs both join and separate your vertebrae. These discs serve as a cushions or shock absorbers, so that the bones don’t make contact with each other as you move. Without discs we would literally be unable to move our upper torso.
Disc injuries are called a variety of different names: slipped disc, ruptured disc, herniated disc, as well as a disc injury. Any of those words likely put fear in your heart to go with the pain in your back.
In most cases, we are referring to intervertebral discs, which are those little pads between your vertebrae. Discs are like cushions or shock absorbers to prevent vertebrae from contacting each other. They have a tough outer ring and a soft gel-like center. Discs allow you to move, twist, and walk. Every movement becomes painful when discs are injured.
Common Disc Injuries
The three most common disc injuries are a protruding disc, a herniated disc, or a disc extrusion.
- Protruding Disc A protruding disc diagnosis means that the gel-like center of the disc is asymmetrically pushed out or bulging out beyond its normal place and shape. This often results in pinching and irritating nerves, which can be very painful.
- Herniated Disc A herniated disk is when the disc material ruptures or tears and the gel-like center pushes outward. This causes inflammation of the nerves. In addition to pain, you might feel numbness or tingling due to irritation of the nerves. and can be quite serious.
- Disc Extrusion This is the worst and most severe kind of disc injury. Not only does the injured disc become inflamed and protrude beyond the vertebrae, but a piece of the disk also breaks off. Patients experience severe pain, and often, a limited range of motion.
Disc injuries can vary from slight to severe, along with the pain they cause. The attention of a trained professional chiropractor can identify the problem and severity, create a plan, and provide chiropractic treatment for your specific condition to bring you relief.
For people in and around Boynton Beach, Florida MDR Advanced Medical Associates is well known for its treatment of disc injuries. You get the very best in disc injury care at our Boynton Beach chiropractic clinic. Our chiropractors have years of training and experience to reduce your fear of the words: disc injury.
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MDR Advanced Medical Associates

MDR Advanced Medical Associates
1899 North Congress Avenue
Suite 9
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
(561) 731-3361