It is impossible to help an individual with neck pain if your not sure of the location of the problem. Boynton Beach chiropractors are trained in the use of a variety of diagnostic tools which give them the ability to locate the source of neck pain. This comes as a great advantage when treating this condition.
The spine is one of the most complex areas of your body, with almost every systemic nerve running through it. Muscles connected to a region of the spine that is misaligned can spasm and tighten. This tightening is believed to be a defense mechanism of the body to protect the spine and spinal cord. Bad posture and repetitive motions with a bad posture are the most common cause of misalignments that can happen in the spine.
Many people let spinal problems go uncorrected. They hope that if they wait long enough their neck pain will just go away. In a lot of cases it probably will go away, but the misalignment that caused the problem is still there. Over time that area will often become aggravated again, and the pain will return. Over time without correction the problem can become much more serious. Some patients get to the point were surgery may be the only option.
Suffering from a Pain in Your Neck?
We are not talking about annoying situations or people. We are talking about when you have actual pain in your neck. First, know that you are not alone. Hundreds of people in the Boynton Beach area today are twisting and rubbing their necks, taking an over-the-counter analgesic, and feeling irritable and sore.
Chiropractors are especially well suited to provide treatment for pain in your neck. Patients find it difficult to identify exactly where the pain is when their neck hurts. Our MDR Advanced Medical Associates chiropractors are specifically trained in the use of a variety of diagnostic tools which give them the ability to identify the source of neck pain.
Common Causes of Neck Pain
Because the spine has almost every systemic nerve running through it, a misaligned spine can affect other parts of the body. Muscles connected to the spine can spasm and tighten as a defense mechanism to protect it and the spinal cord.
Since muscles connected with the spine are also connected with the back and neck, the tightening extends into the back and neck, causing the neck problem (and probably a sore back as well).
Realigning the spine with chiropractic adjustments and manipulations is usually at the top of the list of strategies in a chiropractic treatment plan for neck pain. However, additional treatments such as cold laser and massage therapies are beneficial.
In addition, poor posture and repetitive motions that involve the neck can result in painful sore, and stiff necks. Holding your head in one position and tensing your upper back and neck can also make your neck sore. However, pain from single incidents of tensing neck muscles tends to fade fairly quickly.
Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish between common, situational neck pain and neck pain that is not normal. It is when neck pain is prolonged that you should seek a consultation with a chiropractor. Waiting too long for treatment can increase the damage and potentially turn into a problem that cannot be corrected. Our Boynton Beach chiropractors in the MDR Advanced Medical Associations team is ready to identify the source of your pain and work to alleviate it. We don’t want anything to be a pain in your neck!
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MDR Advanced Medical Associates

MDR Advanced Medical Associates
1899 North Congress Avenue
Suite 9
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
(561) 731-3361